KBP Supports Grant of Franchise to ABS&CBN

The Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) fully supports the possible grant of a new legislative franchise to ABS-CBN amid discussion in the House of Representatives on how to promote competition for a healthy free television market in the country. KBP was among the organizations invited by the Committee of Legislative Franchises to discuss the current landscape of the broadcasting industry. Atty. Rudolph Jularbal of KBP said, “KBP supports the grant of franchise to ABS-CBN. I would like to start by saying that ABS-CBN was a very active member of the KBP.” The KBP lawyer also shared that while there are other broadcasters on free TV, which he estimated at more than 30 players, they are not producing content like how ABS-CBN did it. “ABS-CBN, when they were operating, created a duopoly, in the sense that there were two players grabbing the marketplace. Now there is practically and technically a monopoly, but there are other players, except that they are not at the level of producing compelling content as ABS-CBN did,” he said. After the briefing held last Wenesday (Feb. 5), the Congress is set to schedule its discussion on filed bills seeking to grant a new franchise to […]

Leizel Trinidad-Jacobsen